Saturday, June 22, 2013


something about a street ledge, a little creativity and some balls that make it all worth doing. i relized the ledge i was just at i have been going to for like a decade. time is fuking weird apparently this blog is like 3-4 years old and i dont understand where the time went. big changes dont happen overnight but real soon things are going to get legit around here. the next print of shirts are going to be fresh, the stickers are going to be cleaner and real stickers haha. the hats are almost done, and it will be available through the internet via bigcartel probably. so you wont have to get up or meet up to get stuff.
yeh fuck no one wants to read a wall of text in the morning. fuck ill try and put some video up but i had a long talk with a buddy of mine i grew up with tonight. i found myself on adam22s website just now and thinking about time and how long its been with this little project here and what other people are doing is weird. im sure we all know the come up, for the record i check it out every couple of days but i will get to my point. i first found the come up because i wanted to watch some street bmx videos. i also wanted to discuss parts and metallurgy with people who could relate it to my interests. i found the site and the blog and started posting and shit was way different when i first started going on. the board was funnier and there was no censored shit. i have not been on ina long time my account got deleted for some reason.

but the blog had videos of street riding and there was alot of stuff from new jersey, the bronx, and oh fuck new york. i knew alot of the spots in those videos and it got me stoked to see. without trying to seem like a dick i am going to just be blunt about this. theres too much park shit on there. i kinda get it, theres all these companies and sponsors and he gets tons of edits and things like that but i found the come up because it was street.

adam writes about how he is really into street and thats why he started the come up and thats awseome but there are only a couple of true street blogs/companies/edits/whatever the fuck your checking out. park is cool and all but when i want street bmx i want me some street. this blog has its people checking in on the daily and i dont really know exactaly why.

but the reason why i started this blog was to document street bmx, in my local area, progression of the crew. fuck all the cool shit thats going on around me but i wanted it to be shit i really supported. yeah we got some riders that like park but for the most part i think like 99%of the bmx videos/ pictures i post are street.

ok now my real point. for whatever the fuck reasons you start something, keep it going for those reasons. sometimes it may change but i think if this blog has been up for 3 years and i still feel stoked about street bmx in new york then i am doing something right

fuck spell check

for shits and giggles

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