Saturday, September 10, 2011

some life talk, first of many

back in 07, skateboarding was all i had, kept me around long enough to find bikes and girls, all the bullshit back then made the uncertanty of going as fast as you can down the steepest longest hill you can find even better. when you are closest to death you feel most alive, theres a hill around here called dead mans, creamatory at the top, next to a cemetary, steepest hill ive ever found and my bike has taken me quite far, you can see tall buildings from far away and then you start to roll in, the speed was ridiculus, i had to run super tight trucks all the time and that made tricks wack but the hills were worth it not geting speed wobbles and bailing off, i never bailed on that hill, freinds have broken bones on it and the bottom is sketchy as fuck mad pebbles and fucked up street for skateboards

later in my life when i found bikes, got into it you know, setup a shitty bmx bike, bunny hop up curbs and your stoked on it, the speed was amazing, i bombed that hill too many times, everytime got better and better tho, always sketchy and bugged me out how just bombin a hill made me feel so good, made me alive, i go back often now and bomb down, its kinda weird to, besides spending time with my girl, i cant think of anything that gets better everytime i do it like bombing that hill does, i can think of some other hills im stoked on tho hahaha

even coming back from my girls place at night bombing down streets hoping over gaps and stuff feeling the back wheel smack you cuz you tucked that much and everytime it surprises me but its awseome and you hear the sound of your cassete without any resistense from the street just ripping, its the best way to end the day

im kinda taking forever to get to my point, its just to have fun on a bike, people ask me who is better or how good i am and its wack, your not good defined byb your tricks, what is a trick, is siting down when you fakie and taking bolth feet off a trick, what about can cans and if you crank flip while doing a smith grind, what about 180 foot jams to one handed fakie, ive herd so much shit about how stuff isent a trick, most of it was said because people cant do it, specialy foot plants on walls dam,

when you enjoy what you do with a bike, when you ride for the feel of riding, wether its the speed of a hill, the feel of a drop, killing a gap, mutilating a rail, geting some tech combo done, preogressing from what you could do last week, hiting that ledge that once looked so tall and now your eyeing bigger ones, whatever it is, if you do it for yourself and not just to fit in with others and you enjoy it, your a dope rider

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